++++++++++++ Things To Do ++++++++++++ :revision: $Rev$ :date: $LastChangedDate$ * Make a test fixture for validators, to make testing really easy. * Consider moving htmlfill to ElementTree or another DOM-ish structure, instead of HTMLParser. Or re-implement with another parser but same interface. * Generate Javascript for validators, for client-side validation (when possible). * Relatedly, test and give recipes for Ajax-ish validation, when fully client-side validation doesn't work. * Better tests for ``htmlfill`` and ``htmlfill_schemabuilder``. * Create a ``RequireIfNotEmpty`` form validator, when one field is only required when another is filled in. * Include at least one good documented form generator. Consider including rich widgets (Javascript). * Figure out what the role of ``htmlform`` is. * Seperate out ``doctest_xml_compare``, maybe (useful in any doctested web test). * Make ``doctest_xml_compare`` work with wildcards/ellipses. Maybe with non-XHTML. * Some more ways to build validation. Validation from docstrings or method signatures.